Raising a family rooted in Christ in today’s culture is hard, and Edinbrook is here to help. We want to strengthen your marriage through Christ, encourage your kids to deepen their understanding of who God is and walk alongside you as you navigate through parenthood. We can’t raise your kids for you, but we will support you and give your family resources so that you can keep God at the center of your home.
Fight For Family milestones are a way we celebrate and walk alongside families during different stages in life. Some milestones include classes, commitments from parents, or action steps from your children. Each milestone is celebrated together with our entire church family.
Parents learn how to be pastors in their homes and how to bless their children. They are given helpful resources that encourage them to teach their children how to walk with Christ. Then, they have the opportunity to dedicate themselves to raising their children in a Christ-centered home.
It is important for kids to have a Bible of their own to read from, write in, and study. Parents of Kindergartners & 6th graders attend a class where they receive a Bible for their child, write a special note in it, wrap it, and then present it to their son or daughter during a worship service.
Fifth-grade students attend a class where they have the opportunity to appropriately discuss purity and why it is important to God. During this same time, parents meet with leaders and are given helpful ways to build open communication between them and their child.
Sixth-grade students learn the positives and negatives of social media and are taught how to use social media to lift up and encourage others - not tear down. A Parent class is offered at the same time to update parents on social media awareness and trends
Each student entering 9th grade is connected with an individual or family that commits to praying over them and for them throughout their high school career.
High school seniors are celebrated, encouraged, and given a challenge as they transition into the next chapter of their lives. Graduates are recognized during a Sunday morning service and then honored with a lunch and a time of prayer with their families.
Baptism is an outward expression of what Jesus has done in someone’s life. People of any age are encouraged to take this next step of faith and share publicly that they love Jesus and will strive to walk with Him for the rest of their lives.