MESSAGES Skip to Videos All | Because of Hope | Ordinary People Extraordinary God | The Seven | Identity Theft | The Gospel of Mark | The Five Ps of Christmas | When in Babylon | Jesus Is | Watchful and Ready | Jesus Culture | Fight For Family | Easter | What If There's More | Unto Us | A Higher Calling | Pushing Back The Darkness | King of My Heart | Because of Hope, Because of Hope - We Can Share The Good News Because of Hope, Because of Hope - I Can be Obedient Because of Hope, Because of Hope - We Can Bring Hope to Others Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 17 - David and Goliath Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 16 - Samuel Anoints David as King Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 15 - The LORD Rejects Saul as King Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 14 - Jonathan Eats Honey Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 13 - Samuel Rebukes Saul Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 12 - Samuel's Farewell Speech Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 11 - Saul Rescues Jabesh Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 10 - Saul Chosen as King (Part 2) Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 9 - Saul Chosen as King Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 8 - Israel Demands a King Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 7 - Samuel Leads Israel to Victory Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 6 - The Ark Returned to Israel Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 5 - The Philistines and the Ark Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 4 - The Philistines Capture the Ark Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 3 - The Lord Speaks to Samuel Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 2 - Eli's Wicked Sons Ordinary People Extraordinary God, 1 Samuel Ch. 1 - Hannah Gives Birth To Samuel The Seven, Pride The Seven, Greed The Seven, Gluttony The Seven, Sloth The Seven, Envy The Seven, Anger The Seven, Lust Identity Theft, I Am Strong Identity Theft, I Am Light Identity Theft, I Am New Identity Theft, I Am Gifted Identity Theft, I Am Called to Unity Identity Theft, I Am Loved Identity Theft, I Am A Citizen and A Holy Temple Identity Theft, I Am Alive Identity Theft, I Am Promised Identity Theft, I Am Blessed Identity Theft, I Am Holy The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Enters The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Willing The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Returning The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Clears The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Welcomes The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Answered The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Followed The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Satisfies The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Calms The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Questioned The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Proclaimed The Gospel of Mark, Jesus Introduced The Five Ps of Christmas, Posture The Five Ps of Christmas, Presence The Five Ps of Christmas, Provision The Five Ps of Christmas, Protection The Five Ps of Christmas, Peace Set Apart When in Babylon, Prepare for Battle When in Babylon, Confess Wholeheartedly When in Babylon, Live Courageously Fight For Family, Fight For Family | Halloween When in Babylon, Speak Truth Boldly When in Babylon, Pray With Passion When in Babylon, Develop Strong Convictions When in Babylon, How Did We Get Here? What Is Faith? Jesus Is, The True Vine Jesus Is, The Way, The Truth and The Life Jesus Is, The Resurrection and The Life Jesus Is, The Good Shepherd Jesus Is, The Gate Jesus Is, The Light Of The World Jesus Is, The Bread of Life Fight For Family, Fight For Family Sunday | Shine Watchful and Ready, How Do We Prepare For The End Times? Watchful and Ready, Why a Great Tribulation? Watchful and Ready, When Will Christ Return? Watchful and Ready, What is the Rapture? Jesus Culture, Wise and Foolish Builders Jesus Culture, The Tree and It's Fruit Jesus Culture, Narrow and Wide Gates Jesus Culture, Ask, Seek, Knock Jesus Culture, Do Not Judge Jesus Culture, Do Not Worry Jesus Culture, Treasures in Heaven Jesus Culture, Fasting Jesus Culture, Prayer Jesus Culture, Giving to the Needy Jesus Culture, Love Your Enemies Jesus Culture, Eye for an Eye Jesus Culture, Vows and Oaths Jesus Culture, Divorce Jesus Culture, Lust Jesus Culture, Anger Jesus Culture, Fulfillment of the Law Jesus Culture, Salt and Light Jesus Culture, The Beatitudes Easter, Easter At Edinbrook What If There's More, More to Sharing My Faith? What If There's More, More to My Life? What If There's More, More to the Bible? What If There's More, More to Church? What If There's More, More to Prayer? Unto Us, Prince of Peace Unto Us, Everlasting Father Unto Us, Mighty God Unto Us, Wonderful Counselor A Higher Calling, The Better Life A Higher Calling, Patience and Kindness A Higher Calling, The Problem with Pride A Higher Calling, Love Keeps No Record of Wrong A Higher Calling, The Enemy of Envy A Higher Calling, Perseverance A Higher Calling, Taming the Temper Pushing Back The Darkness, Our Weapon Against the Darkness Pushing Back The Darkness, Learn to Defend Yourself Pushing Back The Darkness, The Battle King of My Heart, King of My Heart