1 Samuel Ch. 22 - David at the Cave

Brent Hall | February 2

Picture this: You’re sprinting for your life when you stumble upon a cave—a secret hideout that offers a moment of safety from the chaos chasing you. You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of security in the shadows. But then, unexpectedly, you hear a voice—it’s God, urging you to step out of your sanctuary and venture into what feels like the most perilous territory imaginable. Why would He call you out of this refuge? What awaits you in the unknown? Are there treasures hidden on the other side of fear? Join us this week as we explore these questions and discover the profound reasons behind divine calls that lead us out of our comforts and into the wild. Don’t miss the chance to uncover the better, brighter path that lies ahead!


1 Samuel Ch. 23 - David Protects the Town of Keilah


1 Samuel Ch. 21 - David and His Men Need Food